ABS - American British School
ABS stands for American British School
Here you will find, what does ABS stand for in Institution under Education category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate American British School? American British School can be abbreviated as ABS What does ABS stand for? ABS stands for American British School. What does American British School mean?American British School is an expansion of ABS
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Alternative definitions of ABS
- Anti Blockier System
- Absender
- Asset- Backed Security
- Abstract
- Absent
- Anti-lock Braking System
- Absorbance
- Absolute
View 373 other definitions of ABS on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- AFP Action Fire Pros
- AES Alpha Energy Solutions
- ASJH Allied Services John Heinz
- AEE Austrian Energy and Environment
- ACJDR Acton Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram
- APC Art a Part of Cult
- AFAK Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice
- ASFGL ASF Group Ltd
- ABC American Banknote Corporation
- API Advantage Publishing Inc.
- AAAESC AAA Energy Service Co
- AW Amigos at Work
- ABAL Alison Brooks Architects Ltd
- AHMSC Ascension Health Ministry Service Center